This is a page where scammers are listed. If you were the victim of an online or offline scam, please share the info so that we can all be wary. Please note that PLANET-INNOVATE! does not endorse or have any affiliation with either the individuals and or companies listed here. As always, do your due diligence! Do not depend on the listings here, investigate on your own. Several excellent starting points are the Better Business Bureau, (,Internet Scam Buster,(,, ( and Ripoff Report (

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I recently received an e-mail from a subscriber asking my opinion about this site: . I went to the site and it looked like a standard MSNBC site.
That particular page had advertising for some sort of HOME REVENUE SERVICE Product.

Upon closer examination, I noticed that the site was not actually an MSNBC site. I went to and my suspicions were justified. This is what ripoff report had to say:

Huge scam, the proof is they illegally spoofed MSNBC with a fake web site that appears to be the real MSNBC.

 I am reporting this to the REAL MSNBC, which has been relabeled as NBC news for the last few months.  MSNBC as a web site is inactive and redirects you to, among other things....Huge scam, the proof is they illegally spoofed MSNBC with a fake web site that appears to be the real MSNBC.

 I am reporting this to the REAL MSNBC, which has been relabeled as NBCnews for the last few months.  MSNBC as a web site is inactive and redirects you to, among other things. “

Apparently, if a company has to spoof a legitimate site to hock their product(s) and get sales, I would be very wary.

I also went to the CitizenCorps website which also confirms the deceptive practices of HOME REVENUE SERVICE/SYSTEM.

That site is: Remember to please do your due diligence when it comes to your money and these sites.

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